Montag, 30. Mai 2011

I'm in . . automotive contest :)

Hey Guys

Whooohhooo, it's still so so unbelivable - I'm invited by the german Auto Bild magazine (I did everything by the normal way, it has nothing to do with my Blog) to be part of the "Deutschlands beste Autofahrer" (Germanys best drivers) Competition. In July I'll be with 49 other participants near Munich, the whole day, to do some theory and some practical tests to see who's the best with the less mistakes.
At the whole Competition there are 1.500 people who participate this year - and I'm one of those :)

I've added some pictures of the current Auto Bild issue with Impressions of the first Contest (there are 10 in 10 different cities). All rights for what's in the pictures belongs to Auto Bild, the pictures were ALL taken by myself.

I've also added some examples that show what a good driver I am . . . laughing is allowed!

Title: "... and how do you drive?"

The look of the current issue

How I park at school . . .

How I park If I'm busy ...

And with such an Ford Focus I'll drive at the Competition, snapped this one at the Mall


You can find me also on Facebook, Flickr, twitter, Bloglovin and of course on YouTube.

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