Montag, 7. Februar 2011

Todays shopping

Hello people

Today after school (Maths and Physics; you can understand which mood I had!) I went shopping and still found something on SALE!
Here's what I got:

Before and after (But I change them tomorrow, theyre tooo flat for me :D)

Aaaah, what an lovely bag <3

Don't know  -   keeping or not ?? 7€ . .

for Business, just 10€ !

everythings from H&M

xoxo Lisa

4 Kommentare:

  1. really cute ring and dress. i totally understand shopping after a long day (though i am trying to learn to control my spending :).

    Girl Meets Handbag

  2. Hey! I love your new things :) And to answer your question, I can't remember where I bought these shoes but it was in Paris, and the brand is Poti Pati xxx

  3. That little back is soo so cute! What a great find ;)

  4. The bag is so cute, why don't we have HM in Bulgaria?
